On Wednesday, 31 August, at 17.30, the books of Jonas Mekas’ writings “Poetry” and “Prose” will be presented in Kaunas, at the Maironis Lithuanian Literature Museum. Julius Ziz, the compiler of the writings and a friend of Jonas Mekas, will take part in the presentation. Eugenijus Varkulevičius-Varkalis, the artist of the “Poetry” book, who worked closely with Jonas Mekas, creating joint performances and music for his films, will also be present.
The footage of Jonas Mekas reading his poetry in a phone box and singing the Papilian anthem after receiving an award at the French Consulate in New York filmed by the filmmaker Julius Ziz will be screened during the event. The event will be moderated by Agnė Cesiulė, a literary scholar and organiser of cultural activities.
More information available here.