Jonas Mekas' special program at Matadero Madrid
Spain, Madrid
Spain, Madrid

Matadero Madrid,
Pl. de Legazpi, 8,
Madrid, Spain


Documenta Madrid,
Caja Negra Editora,
Residencias Matadero

Laía Argüelles writes in her Breve ensayo sobre la carta [Brief Essay on the Letter] (2021) that perhaps the letter consists of “making of distance the condition for the most intimate closeness”. This encounter takes its title from this text, a particular correspondence between Valentina Alvarado and Jonas Mekas as a tribute, based on fragments of the diaries selected by the Venezuelan filmmaker, in which distances (geographical, temporal, etc.) are transformed into unexpected closeness. Like the glipmses of beauty that run through all of Jonas Mekas’ work, in this celebration, Valentina Alvarado’s records resonate with the fragments written by Mekas in Ningún lugar adonde ir (Caja Negra, 2008), and in Destellos de belleza (Caja Negra, 2022). Intertwining images and texts, sounds and silences, Valentina Alvarado will propose a personal reading of Mekas’s texts that she will later discuss with the Argentinian filmmaker, critic and translator Pablo Marín.

Valentina Alvarado Matos, 2020
Valentina Alvarado Matos, 2020